Thirty-Six orbits of full-resolution data from the northern edge of central Alpha Regio are shown in this image. The image width is about 600 kilometers (375 miles). The bright lineated terrain is a series of troughs, ridges, and faults that are oriented in many directions. The lengths of these features generally range from 10 kilometers (6.3 miles) to 50 kilometers (31.3 miles). The topographic elevation within Alpha Regio varies over a range of 4 kilometers (2.5 miles). Local topographic lows, whose outlines are generally controlled by structures within the central region, are relatively radar-dark and filled with volcanic lavas. Source vents for this volcanism appear as bright spots within the smooth plains units. A distinct example of late-stage deformation of Alpha is the narrow band of southwest-northeast trending faults that disrupt older terrain between -20 degrees and -22 degrees latitude. Another interesting feature is the 35-kilometer (21.9-mile) diameter volcanic edifice located at the upper right of the image. The center of the volcano is a local topographic low and its western edge appears to be breached.